Thursday, February 5, 2009

My First Blog

I have nothing to say right now...LOL.  Sigh, been MOVING all week and I'm done!  Just setting up "Blog" account for when I have something to say.....or at least something to say of interest to someone besides my two dogs.  OH I can blog that.... Moved to house on the water and ran to get the phone and forgot I left my 2 dogs (Shih-Tzu's) Molly and Mia outside.  When Mia came back and sat outside the back door  just sitting there waiting for me (ya freaking out, me not the dog) Molly was not with her.  I jump up and run out, and all I can think is Molly fell into the water and, well you know....OK I'll jump to the end, yes the dogs are fine.  My dog somehow was able to push open the gate and took a nice walk around while I looked in cold dark water thinking she was dead.  She is now on her doggie bed snoring.  NygChicklet....